تنزيل تحميل كتاب اشراقات تنموية PDF تدريسية باحثة في مركز ابحاث الطفولة والامومة قسم ابحاث الطفولة في جامعة ديالى / العراقThe terrorism of the most serious pests of the state and society; and when spreading terrorism manifestations of crime in the country, on the negative elements of society and all segments of its effects are reflected.

It is no secret that one of the first affected by terrorism are the children; and this is reflected in the various manifestations of damage, As well as the first right of the child is to make him lose his right to security and stability in the Children’s safe, it may also lose the right to life or the right to physical integrity or his right to grow and survive under his parents …


The reflected damage other manifestations of a more complex, such as the recruitment of children and their involvement in terrorist acts and related work are all unparalleled views, making their rights at risk.

The file «recruitment of children» in the old as the phenomenon that is rooted in the violent history of armed conflict, but the documentation of the photos by the new wave of terrorism anarchistled «privilege», reopen the case , on the grounds transmission phenomenon of the rights of the child, who was arguably elitist confined to the corridors of human rights organizations and international institutions related to box, to a general phenomenon posed by the media without criticism are conscious of the gravity of involvement with such images .If, for excitement journalist, without reading a closer for the reasons and causes, consequences and implications of the spread of the phenomenon of child xploitation by extremist groups, and with the «Daash», recruitment and exploitation of children in armed conflict and violence, intellectual and practical than a phenomenon repugnant file trying organizations denied or refuted moved , and perhaps justified timidly, to the phenomenon of armed groups in the vaunted adopted, and this is what we are seeing now with «Daash» in hot spots in most Arab and Islamic countries.

And to identify the means and methods used by terrorist elements in the recruitment of children age (517 years), the researcher building measure consists of (13) items and after the presentation to the experts to extract the Face validity, has been deleted (3) vertebrae, bringing the number of items of the scale (10) items .

As the researcher to pull (50) family who subjected her children to participate in the terrorist elements.

After the application of items measure them, and extract statistical analysis of the vertebrae, the results showed that about 4 items of the means and methods of terrorist got the highest ratios, which narrowed from (77.33% 90.33%) degrees.

When the researcher get the results, it made a number of recommendations and suggestions.
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