تنزيل تحميل كتاب ڕووناكی رب العالمین PDF Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz bin Khazir al-Shafi’i
(Arabic: عبدالله هرتلي/هەرتەلی)The Mula was born in Hartal village of Betwata district in 1955 and passed away on (14 / Sha’ban 1441 AH) equal (7/4/2020 AD), which was a sad day throughout Kurdistan., in a famous and religious family. From a young age, he began to study religion in the Hertel village’s Hujra. He studied the entire Mulayi study program by religious teachers in several cities and villages of Kurdistan. He was an intelligent and capable student and continued his studies until reached a high level in the religious sciences and gained the ability to give fatwas and teaching. The Mula has become a respected and trusted person among all the people of Kurdistan.ڕوونكردنهوهی ( منهاج الطالبین ) للإمام النواوی
لهتێگهیشتنی بڕیارهكانی شهریعهتی ئیسلام لهسهر ڕاڕهوی
ئیمامی شافیعی – رحمه الله –
دانانی : عبدالله عبدالعزیز ههرتهلی
بڵاوكار : دار المعرفة – بیروت
چاپی ساڵی : 1430-2009
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