تنزيل كتاب who am i انا مؤلفة وناشرة العديد من الكتب وهدفي هو نشر حب القراءة في نفوس اجيالنا انصح كل كبير وصغير بالقراءة واثقة صابرة مبدعة واجتماعية هذه انا المؤلفة جنان فاطمة الزهراء سلاميTo every reader from all over the world, I present to you the book Who Am I, hoping that you will find among its lines something that will add to your future. You are today’s generation, the builders of tomorrow. Who am I? A question that is repeated in my mind. I am Jinan, a young girl who loves and even loves reading and writing with a great love, because I find in reading and writing what I do not find in this life. I read to live and write to make the face of life more beautiful. Smiling only makes nothing great, so smiling in your brother’s face is charity. I live life as I should live it because we live in an ugly world that focuses on the negative and leaves out the positive.
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